Following the June 2013 application deadlines, The CIRI Foundation (TCF) approved more than $1.5 million in scholarships and vocational training grants for approximately 400 students.
Annual scholarship recipient Erin Feller expressed her thanks to TCF: “In addition to being very thankful for the financial support, it is an honor to be recognized as a role model for other students in our Alaska community. I look forward to four years from now when I can return to Alaska as a Doctor of Dental Medicine and give back to my community.”
Since its inception, TCF has approved more than 13,000 scholarships and grants, investing more than $24 million dollars into the education, career development and workforce training of CIRI original enrollees and their descendants.
“We are immensely proud of each and every one of our students. We see TCF recipients throughout the community working in a variety of fields. It is extremely rewarding to see past students living their dreams and making a difference for our people in Alaska and around the world,” said CIRI shareholder and TCF President and CEO Susan Anderson.
TCF scholarship and grant applications are now primarily online. In the future, TCF plans to use the online applications to better connect students with additional educational, employment and internship opportunities with various institutions, especially within the Native community.
“The more information and opportunities we can provide our recipients, the better. We hope to see our online application connect students early on with opportunities that can benefit them and the larger community,” said Anderson.