Board Corner: Treasurer Rolf Dagg

CIRI Board Treasurer Rolf Dagg

Get to know your CIRI Board of Directors

My father, Gosta Dagg (Yup’ik), was born in 1939 in Anchorage. His parents lived in a cabin by the mouth of Ship Creek. They eventually moved to Washington State, but spent half the year in Naknek as my grandfather, also named Gosta, was a Bristol Bay fisherman.

One summer, my dad departed Washington after his parents had already left for Alaska. He was dropped off at Bristol Bay, and his parents had a delay in coming to pick him up. Instead of waiting around for them, he got a job on a cannery tender as a cook. He continued to work this job during the summers through both college and law school.

While I was growing up in Everett, Wash., my dad frequently traveled to Alaska for CIRI Board meetings. He was elected to the CIRI Board of Directors when I was a toddler, so I don’t remember a time when he was not involved with CIRI. He served on the Board from 1974 to 2006. I would accompany him to Shareholder meetings at the Sea-Tac Red Lion. I was just a kid and would entertain myself looking for coins in the hotel lobby couch cushions. I think I found 85 cents once.

Rolf with his father, Gosta Dagg

My dad was an attorney and worked primarily in private practice. One of the things he was most proud of in his work was assisting Alaska Native adoptees, ensuring those born by the ANCSA enactment date of Dec. 18, 1971, were enrolled with their regional and/or village corporation.

When I first ran for the CIRI Board, I would hear about how my mom had typed up address labels for my dad’s proxy mailings.

I discussed with my dad about whether CIRI should open enrollment and issue stock to Descendants of original Shareholders. His position was that gifting shares to your family members was the best way to include the next generation in CIRI. He demonstrated this by gifting me shares when I was young, and I have continued this legacy by gifting my sons their own shares.

My dad, who passed away in April at the age of 83, was proud of all CIRI had accomplished in its first 50 years. As his son, I know his legacy to CIRI will carry on for generations to come.