A Message from CIRI CEO Swami Iyer
My job is to help build a foundation that provides the profit we need to grow our company for the next 50 years.
CIRI’s Shareholder and Descendant programs are interconnected with CIRI’s mission and vision and weave together memorable experiences that add value to the lives of CIRI Shareholders and Descendants. Each program connects with CIRI’s diverse population in different ways, and provides unique benefits that match the interests of our Shareholders and Descendants.
The Programs department is continuously seeking opportunities to be responsive, relevant, and engaging and would love to hear from you!
Shareholders and confirmed Descendants ages 10 to adult are invited to submit original photos. Winners will receive cash prizes up to $500!
The Yah program is a developmental program designed to build the executive level skills of CIRI Shareholders and Descendants to prepare for future executive leadership needs throughout CIRI’s Ecosystem.
CIRI’s programs resource guide provides an overview of programs from CIRI, its Designated Tribal Organizations and Community Nonprofits. These programs are intended to connect and support the social, cultural, and economic well-being of CIRI Shareholders and Descendants and Alaska Natives.
Shareholders and confirmed Descendants ages kindergarten to adult are invited to submit original artwork. Winners receive cash prizes and have their artwork displayed at CIRI’s fall Friendship Potlatches!
CIRI’s virtual mentoring program provides mentorship in several areas—careers, culture, board membership and more. Opportunities exist for anyone over 18 years old interested in being a mentor or having mentorship from one of our selected mentors. Participants in this program can join from anywhere!
CIRI welcomes our young Shareholders and Descendants to pull up their sleeves and work with the CIRI team! Interested participants need a GPA above a 2.0 and enrolled or recently graduated from a two- or four-year degree program or vocational program.
CIRI Shareholders and registered Descendants are invited to provide your voice and perspective to your corporation. Shareholder and Descendant Participation Committee slots are available for those over 18 years old and represent Alaska, Anchorage, and the Lower 48.
Next Gen Day focuses on making connections through hands-on cultural activities. In 2023, the group constructed mini-drums and learned how staying connected with CIRI can benefit you now, and into the future!
My job is to help build a foundation that provides the profit we need to grow our company for the next 50 years.
As an Alaska Native corporation, we understand our continued growth and economic strength is rooted in our ability to be forward-looking, flexible and adaptable.
The Yah (Dena’ina for “grow”) Program will prepare CIRI Shareholders and confirmed Descendants to lead at the highest levels of the organization.
Learn more and sign up today!