CIRI descendant Mandee Jackson took second place in the 19th Annual Caring for the Kenai competition. Caring for the Kenai challenges students to come up with ideas to protect the environment of the Kenai Peninsula or improve its preparedness for natural disasters. Mandee’s project incorporated recycling Capri Sun juice drink pouches into useful beach bags, book bags and party favor bags. She received a $1,000 cash prize as the runner up. In addition to the $6,000 in cash awards for the finalists, this year Tesoro, Chevron and the Kenai River Sportfishing Association awarded $15,000 to the science departments of schools that participated in the competition. Mandee is the daughter of CIRI shareholder Suzanne and Paul Jackson of Nikiski. This story is an excerpt of an article written by Dante Petri of the Peninsula Clarion.