CIRI shareholder Jacqueline “Aparpak” Shirley, a tribal member of the Native Village of Hooper Bay, completed her Master of Public Health (MPH) in October 2011. For her thesis, she conducted a policy analysis on the “Management of Open Dumps in Rural Alaska: The Continuing Need for Public Health Action.” Shirley is employed at Zender Environmental Health & Research Group, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing environmental program services for tribal and isolated rural populations as a senior environmental scientist. She provides environmental, health policy, justice, capacity building, water, wastewater and solid waste management strategies and solutions for rural communities across the state. Shirley thanks The CIRI Foundation for its financial support throughout her educational career. She lives in Anchorage with her 6-year-old son Tabaaha Cingliaq, one beautiful dog named “Half-face,” and two bossy old cats “Nini” and “6-toes”.