$1,000 Stock Will Prize Drawing Winners

To encourage shareholders to return a valid will on CIRI’s new Stock Will form, CIRI first announced in September that it would conduct a special prize drawing to select five winners who would each receive $1,000.

The new form includes an alternate beneficiary clause allowing shareholders to specify the person(s) or entity(ies) to inherit the CIRI stock in case a primary beneficiary dies before the shareholder. To be eligible for the drawing, shareholders simply had to complete a valid will on the new Stock Will form that complied with CIRI’s fractional share policy, ensure that it was received by CIRI no later than November 16, 2018, and have a current mailing address.

Congratulations to the following shareholders who were selected to receive $1,000 cash prizes as a result of the special drawing:

1. Teresa Koenigs Anderson
2. Edith Yvonne Meyer
3. Sondra Lee Shaginoff-Stuart
4. Virginia Helen Shipton
5. Individual has asked to remain anonymous