2022 Board Recruitment

The CIRI Nominating Committee is seeking CIRI shareholders interested in nomination to the 2022 CIRI Board of Directors’ candidate slate.

Among other eligibility requirements, candidates must be a voting CIRI shareholder at least 18 years of age. Additionally, in selecting the Board-recommended slate, the CIRI Board looks for demonstrated decision-making, leadership and communication skills, as well as individuals committed to preserving and perpetuating Alaska Native culture and heritage, and protecting and maintaining CIRI-owned land and resources.

Applicants should have a strong understanding of business and basic financial knowledge, along with a college degree or equivalent business experience. In addition, an applicant should exhibit professionalism, sound judgment, levelheadedness and integrity. Familiarity with the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act and involvement in the Alaska Native/American Indian community are also essential.

CIRI’s primary business segments include energy and infrastructure, financial investments, government services, land and natural resources, and real estate. Shareholders with relevant industry experience in one or more of these segments are encouraged to apply. Candidate nominee applications are due Jan. 10, 2022. For more information and an application, visit ciri.com/board-election.