CIRI shareholder Win Quier is the author of “Jeremiah’s Journey: Gaining Our Autistic Son By Losing Him to the System,” which chronicles the life of her son with autism through his mother’s eyes. It addresses the roller coaster ride of finding the correct diagnosis, medication and counseling.
Hope is the main goal of sharing Jeremiah’s story from birth to graduating high school and moving into his first apartment. The book provides suggestions to make the journey a little easier and tools to keep organized. Jeremiah’s Journey is intended to offer encouragement to those who have autism and their families.
Quier shares her book with organizations and support groups in Oklahoma. She is also working on two additional books, an Amish romance novel and a children’s book, both featuring an autistic character.
To follow the writings of Win, you can like her Facebook page, “Win Quier, Author.” To order autographed copies of the book, please email win.quier@yahoo.com. Non-autographed copies can be ordered at www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore.