Opportunities abound for CIRI youth

Every year, CIRI seeks out new ways to engage young shareholders and descendants in the company’s business and management. But there are two time-honored youth opportunities CIRI is pleased to announce each June.

Youth Representative Applications

Teens have an opportunity to apply for one of three youth representative positions on the Shareholder Participation Committee (SPC). The role of the SPC Youth Representative is to provide input to the SPC as it works with the corporation on issues or activities identified by the SPCs, the shareholders or the corporation. To be eligible to serve, youth must be a CIRI shareholder or a confirmed, registered CIRI descendant and 13 to 17 years of age. Interested
youth must submit (a) an application, (b) a letter of introduction, (c) a reference letter and (d) a short essay explaining why he or she wants to serve as a youth representative and what he or she knows about his or her Alaska Native heritage and about CIRI.

Youth representative applications must be received by CIRI by 5 p.m. Alaska Daylight Time on Thursday, Aug. 13, to be considered. The application can be downloaded and printed here and is available in the Shareholder Relations department. Information on how to register as a CIRI descendant is also available on the CIRI website and from Shareholder Relations.

Completed packets received by the Aug. 13 deadline will be reviewed by a selection committee and winners will be contacted. Youth representatives will participate in a two-day October 2015 SPC meeting, which is when new SPC members — brought on after the Annual Meeting of Shareholders — receive general information about CIRI and its affiliated nonprofit organizations. CIRI believes it will be useful for the youth representatives to hear this information and to have an opportunity to meet CIRI Board members and executive staff. In turn, CIRI leadership hopes to learn more about what is important to the next generation of shareholders.

Youth Art Contest Submissions

Danika Rose Herndon of Anchorage won first place in the ages 9 to 12 category in last year’s Youth Art Contest.
Danika Rose Herndon of Anchorage won first place in the ages 9 to 12 category in last year’s Youth Art Contest.

Interested CIRI shareholders or descendants aged 5 to 12 may submit original artwork interpreting the theme “#IamAKNative” and a completed entry form to CIRI to be entered in the 2015 Youth Art Contest. Winning entries will be displayed at the CIRI and The CIRI Foundation Friendship Potlatches this fall.

Youth Art Contest entry forms can be downloaded and printed at ciri.com and are also available in the Shareholder Relations department. Completed art contest entry forms and submissions must be received by CIRI on or before 5 p.m. Alaska Daylight Time on Thursday, Aug. 13.