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Alaska (beyond Anchorage)

Esther Shade
Esther is the daughter of Ann and the late Peter Edwards. Her grandparents are the late Moses and Mary Edwards of Holy Cross and Gust and Natalia Blunka of New Stuyahok. She is the oldest of 3 sisters and is proud to come from a family of educators. Esther’s great grandfather Chief Ivan Blunka founded the school in New Stuyahok from his cabin. The school is named after him “Chief” Ivan Blunka School. Her mother is a retired educator, having taught for over 30 years in the public schools, and even served as Esther’s kindergarten teacher. Her youngest sister Sonya is also a teacher in Fairbanks along with her husband. Esther has taught in the public schools for 5 years and continues to work in the educational field. Working for Knik Tribe in their Education and Training Department, Esther started as a life skills instructor teaching job readiness to middle and high school students to young adults. She is now the assistant project manager for the STEP grant by Office of Indian Education, one of the biggest accomplishments was starting Knik Charter School, Alaska’s first Indigenous K-12th grade charter school. She still works with Knik Charter School helping with the various duties it takes to run and operate a school. Esther is also a mother of four, and a wife of a proud chef. She strives to make quality education accessible to all students and push for higher education. She also believes in cultural relevance in teaching and work to provide to all students she works with.

Outside Alaska